Ms. Maase is a therapist in Austin, TX and specializes in working with parents and co-parents to fix parent-child contact problems. She is qualified as an expert in parental alienation assessment & treatment in 13 states and throughout Texas.

Ms. Maase recognizes that every case is different and takes the time and necessary steps to properly diagnose the correct issues, right from the start. She also sees the importance of continued care after any intervention.

Ms. Maase has undergone extensive training in clinical reasoning and diagnostic procedures under Dr. Steven Miller, a former professor of medicine and clinical reasoning at Harvard Medical School. 

In addition, she has spent several years training with Linda Gottlieb, LMFT, a renowned expert in family therapy, who was trained by and worked alongside Dr. Salvador Minuchin, widely regarded as the father of family therapy.

Loretta Maase, LPC - Meet Loretta PA Expert

Review From My Mentor
Linda Gottlieb